Who We Are
We are a Non-profit organisation based in Belgium. In the past 5 years, we had been busy carrying out projects in the fields of Education, WASH and economic empowerment. In the beginning of 2023, we decided to solely focus in the field of Education. Education as it is, is the foundation and the backbone of a society and it plays a great role in the development of communities. As Nelson Mandela will put it; "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".
Therefore, advancing and achieving our cause in the field of EDUCATION is the most important goal we pursue. Education on its own plays a major role in the growth and progress of the family unit and the society as a whole. Being able to read and write is simply not enough, but getting educated offers higher income and good job opportunities, and most importantly the development of appropriate skills necessary for the betterment of ones life.
We are not here on earth just to live, but to live and make a difference and that is why our slogan is "Living to make a difference." ​
What We Do
Being fully invested in the field of Education, our goals are to:
1. Donate school materials ( school bags, pens, pencils, rulers, books, text books) to underprivileged children from 3 to 15 years in the rural communities in Cameroon.
2. Offer scholarship awards to deserving children in secondary and high schools in rural communities in Cameroon.
3. Pay school fees (tuition) for underprivileged children in rural communities in Cameroon.
4. To organise seminars and workshops in schools with the aim of empowering students with the basic but necessary knowledge in shaping their career goals.